Sunday, July 17, 2011

How the Heck Do You Prepare?

Well, basically from the experience that I have I know one thing, you can't really prepare. Sure, I can bring a tent and a sleeping bag, strap on some shoes...But I know my feet won't be ready...blisters, we meet once again. I know also that I cannot know for sure what will come, emotionally, physically, spiritually, so how is one to prepare? That is the preparation of poverty. Knowing that you will be without, but knowing also that God will provide (and not just physically). My friend and I were talking about what the future holds; we both decided that we were worrying about our preparation and not trusting in God. We were afraid. What is this fear? No, we don't know what will come, and yes, it might be painful, but we know for sure that it will be great. Now I can't remember what exactly was said, but it sounded better than that, but you get the gist. So I mainly prepare with prayer, trying to live always in the present.  But what does it look like to walk for so long? I thought it might be fun to show you what I will be traveling with, a visual packing list, a visual preparation.

Here is pretty much what I will be using/carrying on my back for the next several months....I've got my 97 cent poncho and everything...ALL SET!

A very important part of my preparations has been to ask for prayer from others as well as asking for any intentions to bring with me. Please, if you have any intentions that you would like me to pray for on my pilgrimage, please write to me at There's going to be plenty of suffering (among other things) to offer up to God (being out of shape will really help with that one) ...We might as well pass around the wealth. Did I mention my feet are really not prepared...

Oremus Pro Invicem

1 comment:

  1. Taryn!!! I already miss you. but i cant wait to hear about your travels and experiences. i am constantly praying for you, and God helping you figure out life. =] love you darling! you inspire me and i couldnt ask for a more blessed summer, meeting you.

