Five different buses later I met up with the Community of St John in the beautiful basilica of Covadonga. Here I met people from all over the world (lots from France) and saw Providence at work once again. But that night after another three buses (did I mention all the buses?) finally met up with my group and finally saw Father Nathan and Father Thomas. Thank God. I was a surprise for them too, they weren't expecting me until the next day. It was so wonderful to see familiar faces after so long of not knowing anyone or being able to communicate with anyone. And I met up with the Americans that would be with me the rest of the way through Fatima. Here again God was working through family that was being shaped and formed through the love that we all shared for Christ. Finally we arrived in Oviedo, Spain where we met our host families.

Usually if I want to invite friends over and I want to do something hospitable for them I make sure there are snacks in the house or something and that it's not a complete disaster. Here we were treated like royalty. They were so excited to meet us and to serve us (to feed us!) and to make sure we had everything we needed (including washing our clothes, ridiculous!) But it was not just what was done but how it was done. It wasn't just food on a table, but a table cloth and places set for us and a little votive candle. We were honored guests. So much for potato chips in a bag. It really made me realize how important all of these things are. When my friends come, I want them to feel as honored as I felt in this home. Hospitality, generosity, welcome...all without much verbal communication (and by not much I mean almost none).
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