In real time, World Youth Day has been over for almost a week. In blog time, I haven't even gotten to it yet. I promise to return to tell you about all of Gods work in that week and about Fatima and all the graces of that segment of the journey, but now I need to update you all on my present day status. God's providence is the entire reason for going on this trip. When I was first praying about it that was my entire goal and nothing else: to have no plan so that God could work his own designs. Well those designs have turned out to be more unexpected than I had originally planned.
The prior general of the Community of St John, Father Thomas, was telling a group of us that we make a decision to follow the Lamb, to follow Christ, but that sheep don't walk in a straight path. At times you can't see the path, other times you seem to be going in the wrong direction, but always just keep following the Lamb. It is hard to understand the meandering road. Well my road has actually taken me back to the States, surprise (its a surprise for me too, hahaha). Right now I am actually in Sycamore, IL, still following the Lamb, still on my pilgrimage, still not seeing what the path is ahead of me but Christ is always constant.
When I set out on a journey to follow God's providence, I can't say no when Providence leads me back.
I know that God was calling me to go to WYD, there are too many things over the last six months that has lead me to that, and only to that. But the Why? That I do not know, perhaps its not for me to know. Perhaps it is enough to give up my plans, give up my pride, give up everything (and a pretty penny for the plane too) for Jesus. Especially in the psalms we see that God wants a ready heart. Period. I want to ask "what for", make me ready for what Lord? Just a ready and willing heart. So there's that.
So I just wanted you all to know that my pilgrimage continues this side of eternity (and this side of the Atlantic) so all those prayers you promised are still in demand, and all the prayers that I promised are still being prayed. Oremus pro invicem
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Some Highlights of Asturias
So you apparently have to pour the cider from as high as you can....spilling a lot in the process. And you have to drink it all at once. And you have to drink out of the same glasses. And you have to have so much fun with the parishioners while listening to the bagpipes play (yeah that's right, northern Spain is really Celtic. |
And hikes through God's wonders... |
At the brother's monastery: a unique blend of early Cictercian simplicity with the addition of typical Spanish Baroque altar. Oh yeah, and like more than a thousand youth from seriously everywhere packed in there too. (about 3 thousand total from the Community of St John, this is only half of us) |
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Finally Someone I Know
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
The Generosity of Family I've Never Met
As I am walking (I must have looked lost, maybe because I was) a couple and their one year old son approached me. They asked what I was doing where I was going: "Are you a pilgrim?" Yes, I am certainly a pilgrim and a pilgrim in need as well. They invited me to come and stay the night with them. Their generosity was incredible, a delicious meal, a warm bed. "We are Catholic too" they said. It was their desire to make their home my own home, not just a physical place to sleep but a place of love and peace. I will never forget their love that they showed me or the tender way in which they invited a stranger to be part of their family. I could easily see their great happiness that came from their faith and love for Jesus. And Edwardo, their son, was probably one the sweetest babies I have ever seen...non stop smiles, even at one in the morning. God's providence; the providence of a family.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Totally Gunna Be Crushed
Do not hide your face from me; in you I put me trust
Why does God sometimes hide his face? Why is it so hard to know who God is when at other times we seem to know him so clearly? Perhaps it is to deepen our faith, to have uncertainty, but to be certain. To be in darkness, but live in Light. To place our complete and utter trust in one who is trustworthy. I'm sure the saints know, and have said it better.
Lord, listen to my prayer:
turn your ear to my appeal.
You are faithful, you are just; give answer,
Do not call your servant to judgment
for no one is just in your sight.
I call on God's Mercy, for this little daughter of his....for my sins this is not what I deserve, but what God wants to give. And he is very generous. But still, even the best gifts are for us to be come holy, and the best ones are a purification. So I call out to Him for help so that I may live this cross well.
The enemy pursues my soul;
he has crushed my life to the ground;
he has made me dwell in darkness
like the dead, long forgotten.
Therefore me spirit fails;
my heart is numb within me.
I am crushed by many things, by darkness, does God hear? My heart is numb, i feel nothing of his presence. everything is dark, yet i seek him especially in that darkness. I become blind so that I may see with the eyes of faith. That first promise that I made to Him: to follow wherever He goes even if I feel nothing good for the rest of my life, because HE IS GOODNESS, and there is nothing else.
I remember the days that are past:
I ponder all your works.
I muse on what your hand has wrought
and to you I stretch out my hands.
Like a parched land my soul thirsts for you
With what God has done in my life, how can I even think he will not do everything for me now. Remember that first promise. That freedom I have in that. I thirst for him and him alone, nothing else. Nada, Nada, Nada.
Lord, make haste and answer;
for my spirit fails within me.
Do not hide your face
lest I become like those in the grave.
Do not hide your face, I will become lost, nothing seems to exist if I cant see you. I fail without you, don't abandon me even when i abandon you.
In the morning let me know your love
for I put my trust in you.
Make me know the way I should walk:
to you I lift up my soul.
The way I must walk is the way of the cross. Yes, suffering, and yes offering that up. Again, complete reliance on God....the way I should walk is the way of the cross, the way of love. I lift up my soul to Jesus who draws all men to himself.
Rescue me, Lord, from my enemies;
I have fled to you for refuge.
Teach me to do your will
for you, O Lord, are my God.
Let your good spirit guide me
in ways that are level and smooth.
Give me whatever you want lord, don't let me offend you. I fear, but I fear nothing for you are my God, my refuge that is there even if i cannot feel your presence. Protect me from my enemies, especially myself.
For your name sake, Lord, save my life;
in your justice save my soul from distress.
Fear. Looking past that, distress all gone, looking and searching only for God. Totally looking forward to God totally annihilating me. I want to be purified. Glory to God in everything. He must increase and I must decrease.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning is now and will be forever.
Do not hide your face from me; in you I put my trust.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Too Bad Russia, I Found Something Better....
Holy Land...Here I come....
Well, I have an official return date now, November 22, but for the three weeks before that I will be journeying in the same paths that Jesus and his disciples walked so many thousands of years ago. And right in time to prepare for Advent. (a preparation for a preparation?) I will begin on Mt Carmel and end in Bethlehem, going through Nazareth, the sea of Galilee, Jerusalem, and everything in-between. I can't really express how excited I am about I won't really can guess if you wish. I bring all of you with me.
Well, I have an official return date now, November 22, but for the three weeks before that I will be journeying in the same paths that Jesus and his disciples walked so many thousands of years ago. And right in time to prepare for Advent. (a preparation for a preparation?) I will begin on Mt Carmel and end in Bethlehem, going through Nazareth, the sea of Galilee, Jerusalem, and everything in-between. I can't really express how excited I am about I won't really can guess if you wish. I bring all of you with me.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
How the Heck Do You Prepare?
Well, basically from the experience that I have I know one thing, you can't really prepare. Sure, I can bring a tent and a sleeping bag, strap on some shoes...But I know my feet won't be ready...blisters, we meet once again. I know also that I cannot know for sure what will come, emotionally, physically, spiritually, so how is one to prepare? That is the preparation of poverty. Knowing that you will be without, but knowing also that God will provide (and not just physically). My friend and I were talking about what the future holds; we both decided that we were worrying about our preparation and not trusting in God. We were afraid. What is this fear? No, we don't know what will come, and yes, it might be painful, but we know for sure that it will be great. Now I can't remember what exactly was said, but it sounded better than that, but you get the gist. So I mainly prepare with prayer, trying to live always in the present. But what does it look like to walk for so long? I thought it might be fun to show you what I will be traveling with, a visual packing list, a visual preparation.
Here is pretty much what I will be using/carrying on my back for the next several months....I've got my 97 cent poncho and everything...ALL SET!
A very important part of my preparations has been to ask for prayer from others as well as asking for any intentions to bring with me. Please, if you have any intentions that you would like me to pray for on my pilgrimage, please write to me at There's going to be plenty of suffering (among other things) to offer up to God (being out of shape will really help with that one) ...We might as well pass around the wealth. Did I mention my feet are really not prepared...
Oremus Pro Invicem
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